Traditional & Electronic Signs for Middle Schools & Churches

Middle School Signs


middle school signs

An American school is much more than just a place for children to attend classes and cast sighing glances out the window.

Your local middle school is also a focal point for every conceivable community activity, be it an election, a dance, a sports event or a pageant.

This is why, just as a business invests in a logo and sign that presents a public face to prospective customers and lets them know what to expect, so a middle school will benefit from choosing a sign that announces its focus to the community at large and helps the school fulfill an active role in its life.

letter track signs

Middle School Sign Options
For schools that have a relatively tight budget, we offer a wide selection of basic signs that are colorful and, with Kerley Signs, Inc.'s commitment to quality, will last for many years.

We also provide a variety of so-called “letter track” signs – also widely used by churches and retail businesses, those are the signs with several grooves that can hold letters, offering a reasonably-priced message board functionality for important announcements.

Digital Electronic Middle School Signs
Finally, we have extensive experience creating digital signs of various shapes and sizes, as well. Those can be incorporated into your school's main sign, or they can be installed separately. We can provide you with LED message boards, single-line marquees and integrated message centers in a variety of colors.

Electronic signs are extremely useful for advertising school dates such as exams and vacations, sports events and scores, community events such as dances and charity drives; they can also be used to recognize outstanding achievements both among students and teachers, and members of the community at large.

School Sign Installation

Even better, Kerley signs provides installation services for educational institutions of all sizes in all 50 states, in order to make certain that all the work is done properly and according to the most stringent standards.

With our 4 decades of sign-making experience, an American Made school sign by Kerley Signs, Inc is the face you will be proud to show your students, their parents and community members alike.